Old methods and new approaches

Old methods & new approaches

Following the up-to date lines for an improvement of the working methods, the new plantations have been worked above of grounds well-levelled in balconies and systems of piping over the vineyards. The work for maintenance and clearing the vegetation is done constantly manually and individually depending on each variety.


Biodynamic Agriculture

In spite of the new techniques, the old techinques of croping which bring the name of biodynamic are being applied as well. In broad features, we can say that the wisdom accumulated through generations of vine growers is now used equally in the condition to obtain the healthiest and balanced fruits. Basically it goes about following the rhythms indicated by the lunar cycles and the harmony between the man and the cosmos, trying to search the point of the strenght for getting the most natural and harmonics results. This philosophy it’s applied both for the crop and the processing of the fruits.


Biological agriculture

Everybody speaks about ecology and the respectful methods of croping with the environment. Our posing of work is especially sensitive to our surroundings and for this reason we act, for both in the countryside and the celler, the only products that are used are the natural ones, both in the marinate of the plants and in the cellers' work. The orography of our property, facing south, and with an appropriate ventilation of the balconies, allows growing some plants without the participation of chemical agents nor of synthesis, for these conditions establish a favourable microclimate for some conditions of vegetal health. Once more the traditional widne systems allow us to obtain one final product of high quality, due to the absence of chemical agents. The reasults is a healthy and natural wine.